Tuesday, June 14, 2011


Hey! So I finally got my DSLR on June 11. I zeroed in on D3100 from my list of 8 other DSLRs, found a deal  that suited my budget right now, so I purchased it! and i won't regret the decision..it is a great cam to have. I'm loving every bit o' it!
I initially had plans of merging my photo-blog with this blog, but the idea faded away so I set up a separate blog for posting my photos. I also set-up a flickr account and the link to that is provided in my photo-blog itself.

I wanted to customize the way my photo-blog looks, but due to shortage of time, I've already started posting using a default template. I'll organize it as and when I find time. None of my images are edited right now.
Have a look.. www.eye-third.blogspot.com
...and my photo-blog extends a special welcome to all my blog readers :)