Wednesday, June 8, 2011

to wait or not to wait

I have been wanting a DSLR camera from a long time. Photography inspires me, opens my eyes. I believe I have a third eye for photography. I love writing. I love photography. I love travel. *typical Sagittarian you can say*

Now that I'm working, I've decided to buy a DSLR from my own money. I need to wait for another month to get one because the money I have now isn't sufficient to get the one I want. I need to wait. But this wait for one month seems to supersede the wait for all these years. Suddenly I feel like borrowing money or doing something about it. My point is I've waited all these years, can't I control myself for another month? I need to have self-control!!
A photo-blog is on its way :)


  1. its really difficult to wait patiently for something that we have craved for years and that which stands on your door way..but one must be more patient.,a little more i guess.its on your way..i would give you a free ka advice..don't take hasty decision when everything is going to be fine in a patient and then see the wave of happiness..and an early congrats for your DSLR and the photo blog :)

  2. hey thnx a lot :) Yeah I can feel the heaviness imposed by this wait..I will try to be as patient as possible! Will post here when I start-off with my photo-blog..
