Sunday, May 8, 2011

Sunday dinner

I somehow have the feeling that Sundays are meant for relaxing. Even when I was in college, I used to find it difficult to study during Sundays. The "Sunday mood" used to set in. It used to be and is difficult for me to keep myself home on Sundays (evenings esp).

Mr.T went to his school friend's house today for dinner. I was thinking Hydrabadi biryani or Beijing bites or Chungs or atleast pizza hut. But that ass had to go there. Messaged few friends who stay close by who are usually never busy, but you can't guess who'll get busy on weekends. I didn't have the mood to drive and meet friends who stay farther. My bad, I ended up staying at home. Slept for quite sometime, and it's 10PM now and I'm not feeling a pinch of sleep approaching me. So I'm sitting here wide awake and blogging.

Ok, my mom's calling me for dinner. And yeah, today's mother's day. I wished my mom in the morning. I still can remember the happiness she felt when I handed her my first salary. Love u mom!


  1. hey happy sunday and a more happier mother's day....i have a small question..why is your blog's title 11:42????

  2. Hey thanks and wish u the same! hmm..check out my 1st post. why, does it sound weird?
